Welcome to our Electronic Prescription System!
We have set up personalised prescription templates for you. All of your
details are saved on the templates to save you filling them out each
time. Please click the links below to access the prescription type you
Click here to complete a prescription
Click here to complete a prescription for another practitioner
How to complete an electronic prescription:
- Complete all the required fields on the prescription.
- Once all the fields have been correctly filled out, it will give you the option to submit the prescription.
- Once submitted, an email will be sent to your registered email address asking you to confirm the prescription.
- Once confirmed, the prescription will automatically be sent to us for processing.
- Please note the prescription will not be submitted to Echo Pharmacy until the link in the email has been clicked for confirmation.
- There is a help button in the top left corner to indicate the required fields to be completed.
- If you have any issues or queries regarding this system, please contact us at info@echopharmacy.co.uk